by Jabio
17 November 2023
9 min read

How Reviews Guide Customers Through the 5 Stages of Purchase Decision-Making

The scene: A typical workday morning. You’re at your desk, coffee in hand, sifting through your overflowing inbox. Somewhere between the urgent emails and meeting reminders, you spot a message on your phone from a close friend. She’s raving about some appliance she just bought, saying it’s going to upgrade how she cooks meals forever. Alright, you’ll bite – and you click through her link to check it out.

This everyday scenario is where it all begins – the start of a journey through the five stages of purchase decision-making. This is also a path familiar to every business owner and marketer needing to speak to the needs, desires, and pain points of a target audience through multiple touchpoints. 

Nowadays, this road is paved with online reviews, not just friend recommendations.

Customer reviews have a colossal impact, with 98% of people reading reviews before buying, and nearly half trusting them as much as they would a personal recommendation. 

Traveling through the five stages of purchase decision-making, we’ll showcase how reviews play a critical role in guiding customers to make informed choices. Whether you’re a business owner, a marketer, or a sales head, understanding this journey is essential for connecting with your audience effectively.

The Importance of Reviews in Purchase Decision-Making

Here’s a quick overview of the five stages, and how reviews play a role at each stage to influence behavior:

  1. Awareness: The initial recognition of a need or desire. Reviews give insights into how a product or service can fulfill that need, often suggesting a solution or brand a prospective customer might not have considered otherwise, or bringing a low-priority situation to the top of their mind.
  1. Research: As customers progress to the information search stage, reviews share details that often aren’t covered in product descriptions or copy. Prospects will look for authentic experiences and feedback to evaluate their options and build confidence to purchase.
  1. Consideration: This trust continues through the evaluation of alternatives, as positive reviews reinforce the suitability and effectiveness of a product. This is also where brand reputation plays a significant role, as customers will be drawn to (or repelled by) businesses depending on factors such as a company’s vision, mission, history, sustainability initiatives, and so on.
  1. Conversion: Once your prospect knows that a) they have a certain need, and b) your product or service will likely solve that need, a final review check will guide them smoothly on to make the purchase – or drive them away in case they find something unexpectedly negative. 
  1. Re-purchase: Post-purchase, reviews shape the reflection and sharing stage, as customers leave feedback and contribute to the reputation of your brand, product, or service.

Stage 1: Awareness (Need Recognition)

In the grand play of purchase decision-making, the awareness stage sets the opening scene. This is where the spotlight opens on the customer’s initial recognition of a need or desire, and reviews begin to validate their requirements.

Consider a scenario where a B2B decision-maker wants to improve workflows. They might not have a project management tool in mind yet. Reviews, in this instance, can present insights into how a specific product or service can fulfill that need, creating heightened awareness around a particular tool. 

For lesser-known brands, reviews add context and credibility to solutions that might have otherwise remained in the shadows, undiscovered.

Reviews can also be catalysts for action. For instance, a business owner might come across a campaign featuring reviews for a cybersecurity solution, prompting them to reconsider their cybersecurity infrastructure. Here, reviews don’t just educate – they’re instigators, awakening a need and steering customers toward viable solutions.

Stage 2: Research (Search for Information)

As customers progress from awareness to the research stage, they’re on a quest for information. They want answers, and reviews play an instrumental role in providing details and alleviating concerns. 

For example, picture a customer looking to purchase a new smartphone. They don’t just browse the latest models or rely on specs – they actively seek firsthand information from others who have experienced the product under consideration in order to understand the full picture and gauge how well it will meet their needs. Reviews cover everything from performance and features, to durability and customer support, and beyond.

In the research stage, customers often look for specific types of reviews to gain deeper insights. Each has their strengths. 

  • Star ratings and text reviews are easily searchable and skimmable, helping prospects understand the general sentiment around a company, product, or service.
  • Photo reviews are a must-have for businesses that sell products, showing potential customers what they can expect thanks to reviewers who share an honest look at what they receive.
  • Video reviews provide a deeper dive into the buyer experience using the most engaging form of media. Just look at the popularity of unboxing videos. If you sell to Gen Z, videos are even more essential – according to Sitejabber research, this consumer segment rated reviews with videos as more important than any other generation.

For businesses, the key is to ensure that more positive reviews show up during this critical phase. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews that specifically address commonly asked questions or concerns. For instance, an ecommerce business can prompt buyers to discuss their specific experiences with shipping and returns. You can do so by customizing review request surveys and leveraging multiple review collection methods

Stage 3: Consideration (Evaluation of Alternatives)

At this point, prospects are actively weighing various options. Using reviews, they can closely examine the experiences shared by others, assessing pros and cons to make an informed choice.

But what happens when negative reviews pop up? Instead of viewing them as roadblocks, use them as stepping stones. For instance, if a software company gets a negative review mentioning a challenging user interface, a thoughtful response acknowledging the concern and outlining plans for UI updates can go a long way. Such interactions show a commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvements.

(Not to mention, negative reviews aren’t all bad. 95% of customers will actually be suspicious of your positive ratings if there are no negative reviews.)

And what about reviews that mention competitors? While they may initially raise eyebrows, these reviews can contain valuable insights – windows into your competition and the competitive landscape as a whole. For example, a customer review could mention a competitor’s robust integration options, prompting a SaaS business to explore and enhance their own integration features. These could also be opportunities to drill further down into your target audience and use cases, creating stronger differentiators and updated positioning.

Stage 4: Conversion (Purchasing Decision)

Now we come to the conversion stage, the moment of truth in a customer’s journey. Picture someone in the market for a new laptop – they’ve done their research, compared models, and are on the verge of making a choice. Reviews provide the final assurance that they’re about to make the right decision by clicking “confirm purchase” (cue dopamine rush). 

In B2B sales, testimonials take reviews to the next level and add an additional personal touch. Imagine a small business hunting for the right email marketing platform. When they read or watch a testimonial from another small business that experienced a significant boost in email campaign efficiency and performance, it’s not just information – it’s inspiration and trust rolled into one.

To collect more reviews that help prospects turn into customers, consider encouraging customers to share their experiences using emotionally resonant language. When you start seeing reviews along the lines of, “This product is the missing piece I never knew I needed for my business,” or, “This is your sign to grab this for yourself now,” you’ll know you’ve struck gold.

Stage 5: Re-purchase (Post-purchase Evaluation)

So your customers have now converted – congrats! But remember, the journey doesn’t end at the sale, and in many ways, it’s just beginning.

Reviews in the post-purchase evaluation stage are a roadmap to long-lasting relationships. They provide customers with a platform to share their ongoing experiences, while offering businesses the invaluable chance to listen and respond. 

This stage is where loyalty is solidified – or potentially lost. Think of a subscription-based SaaS company that would rely heavily on user reviews post-purchase. Excelling in addressing user concerns and consistently delivering quality service will lead to high customer retention. Reviews serve as a bridge to extend their user base and keep clients engaged.

For both B2C and B2B businesses, actively encouraging your customers to provide or revisit their initial feedback once they’ve had time to delve deeper into the products or services can also be extremely valuable. For example, a fitness equipment company can ask customers to add an update to their review after several months of use. These revisited reviews provide a wealth of information on long-term satisfaction and durability, which can be invaluable in making product improvements – while also giving prospective customers a deeper understanding and appreciation of the product’s long-term value. 

In a world where the competition is just a click away, the relationships fostered here can be the difference between a one-time purchase and a lifelong brand advocate.

Get More Purchase-Influencing Reviews with Jabio

Customer journeys, from initial awareness to post-purchase evaluation, are deeply influenced by reviews – a testament to your brand’s credibility, trustworthiness, and customer satisfaction. Throughout each stage, reviews guide, influence, and empower prospects to make informed decisions.

Our advice to businesses is simple but crucial: Don’t underestimate the power of reviews. At every stage, aim to collect authentic, meaningful, and diverse reviews. Encourage customers to share their experiences, not just for your sake, but to help others. And remember that while you might be selling a product or service, you’re also nurturing relationships and building trust. 

This is where Jabio enters the picture. With our AI-enabled platform, you can harness the full potential of reviews and take control of your online reputation. Register your company for free, and see how a robust review strategy can not only shape purchase decisions but shape your business for the better.

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