by Jabio
May 3, 2024
6 min read

Reviews + Real People = Sales: How UGC Converts Gen Z Shoppers

Remember the days when teenagers meticulously researched products in glossy magazines before heading to the mall? Maybe you were one of them! Today’s generation of young adult consumers, however, has rewritten the rulebook when it comes to how they shop. 

Instead of the traditional path from discovery to purchase, Gen Z’s shopping journey is defined by a dynamic mix of online and offline touchpoints, heavily influenced by social media and user-generated content (UGC).

To illustrate, imagine Sarah, a 21-year-old fashion enthusiast. Inspired by a viral TikTok video showcasing a pair of sustainably-made sneakers, she delves deeper.  She discovers the brand’s Instagram page, meticulously scrutinizes customer reviews praising comfort and ethical business practices, and then watches a Youtube haul video featuring a relatable influencer raving about the fit. Satisfied and convinced, Sarah clicks “purchase” – fueled by the power of authentic content created by real people.

This scenario isn’t just fiction or an anomaly. Vogue Business reported on new research that’s revealing – and putting hard numbers to – a seismic shift in consumer behavior:

Goodbye Google, Hello Social Search

Search engines are no longer the sole kings of product discovery. Platforms like TikTok and Youtube reign supreme for Gen Z, with research indicating that 71% say they mostly discover new products via social media.

Reviews Rule

Gone are the days of impulsive purchases based solely on aesthetics. Almost all (95%) of Gen Z shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. Positive reviews from real people act as social validation, building trust and reducing purchase anxiety.

Ad Blockers on High

Traditional advertising just doesn’t resonate. Gen Z is bombarded by sponsored content and finds it disruptive (41%) and inauthentic (43%). This highlights the need for a more organic approach to marketing, one that leverages the power of real people.

Enter the content creator.

The Authenticity Factor: Why UGC Makes Gen Z Click “Buy”

UGC isn’t just product photos and testimonials – it’s the voice of real people experiencing a brand. In a world saturated with paid advertising, Gen Z craves authenticity. They trust the opinions of relatable peers more than staged celebrity endorsements. This is where influencers as content creators shine – they have reach while still feeling down-to-earth and real (unlike largely untouchable celebrities).

What’s more, UGC fosters a sense of community, allowing Gen Z to connect with others who share their interests and values. It allows them to see how real people use and interact with your products, fostering a sense of trust and relatability.

[UGC] creates the idea that post-purchase, consumers can remain part of the brand’s story.” 

Building a UGC Strategy for Gen Z Success

Marketing your brand to the Gen Z demographic? Here’s how to leverage UGC and convert Gen Z shoppers:

Partner with Micro-Influencers

Instead of chasing large influencers with millions of followers, save your time (and budget) by using micro-influencers.  Gen Z connects better with relatable content creators who often have smaller, more engaged communities.

Choose individuals who align with your brand values to create authentic content showcasing your products in real-life scenarios. The ideal micro-influencers to work with will actively engage their audience and generate genuine conversations around your brand.

Host User-Generated Content Contests

Spark engagement and encourage UGC creation by hosting contests. Design contests around specific themes or product experiences. Encourage customers to share photos or videos using your products on social media with a designated hashtag. Offer appealing prizes to incentivize participation, but ensure the focus remains on creating high-quality, engaging content.

Embrace Customer Reviews

Don’t just hope for reviews to roll in – actively collect them.  Make the process easy and seamless for customers by integrating review requests into your post-purchase emails. Offer multiple options for submitting reviews, such as text boxes, star ratings, and photo uploads.  Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a timely and professional manner. Acknowledge positive feedback and express gratitude. For negative reviews, address concerns directly, apologize for any shortcomings, and outline steps you’re taking to improve.

One easy way to make reviews part of your marketing strategy is to leverage a reputation management platform like Jabio.

Showcase UGC on Your Platforms

Feature compelling UGC on your website, social media channels, and marketing materials. This demonstrates the value of your products to potential customers and adds authenticity to your brand voice. Create dedicated sections on your website for customer reviews and user-generated content.  Rotate fresh UGC across your social media platforms to keep content engaging.  Consider influencer-generated content alongside customer photos and videos for a well-rounded UGC strategy.

Gen Z’s Multi-channel Shopping Behavior

While positive reviews are crucial, building a strong online reputation extends beyond just UGC and reviews. They may be digital natives and seemingly glued to social media, but 73% of surveyed Gen Zs still prefer making in-store purchases for the physical and experiential aspects. And they expect a consistent brand experience across all channels, on- and off-line.

This omnichannel behavior signifies several key things about Gen Z shoppers – and what your brand should do to connect with them.

Gen Z on Research, Personalization, and Price Consciousness

While digital research is paramount, Gen Z still enjoys in-person shopping. Trying on clothes, interacting with products, and experiencing the brand atmosphere are important factors in their decision-making. 

Speaking of the shopping experience, Gen Z loves personalization: nearly 85% report enjoying personalized offers from merchants. They’re looking for a tailored shopping journey – which aligns with expectations set by algorithm-driven social media platforms.

They’re also value-driven in light of what they see as an uncertain economy. Gen Z actively seeks deals and discounts across online and offline sources. Discounts, promotions, and free shipping are appreciated, of course, but this generation also contains a higher percentage of respondents who want non-monetary benefits compared to older generations.

What Businesses Can Do to Market to Gen Z

  • Embrace Omnichannel Marketing: Create a cohesive brand experience across all touchpoints. Ensure your website, social media presence, and physical stores offer consistent messaging and product information.

  • Invest in UGC and Reviews: As covered above, encourage customer reviews and UGC. Showcase these testimonials on your website and social media to build trust and social proof.

  • Optimize the In-Store Experience: Don’t underestimate the power of physical stores. Offer a seamless experience by enabling in-store product research via mobile apps or integrating online reviews into physical displays.

  • Price Transparency and Deals: Be upfront about pricing and offer targeted promotions that cater to Gen Z’s value-conscious nature.

  • Data-Driven Personalization: Utilize customer data to personalize the shopping experience across online and offline touchpoints. Recommend products based on browsing history or offer in-store discounts based on online loyalty programs.

The Lasting Power of Authenticity

Gen Z is a generation that values authenticity and connection.  They crave genuine experiences and trust the opinions of peers and peer-group influencers more than traditional advertising tactics.  By strategically leveraging user-generated content, fostering positive online reviews, and building a strong omnichannel reputation, businesses can connect with Gen Z on a deeper level and convert them into loyal customers.

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