by Jabio
11 August 2023
5 min read

Do Nonprofits Need Online Reviews? Here’s What to Know

If you’re one of the ten million nonprofits and charitable organizations around the world, you may be wondering if your nonprofit really needs online reviews. Customer ratings and reviews often seem like something that’s better left to ecommerce stores. After all, you’re busy doing much more important things. 

But nonprofits need online reviews, too. One survey found that 88% of nonprofit leaders prioritize gathering client feedback as a source of continuous program improvement. But only 13% have been able to get as much feedback as they want. 

Online reviews help more people get on board with your vision and mission. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. Here’s how to increase your nonprofit online reviews.

Why nonprofits need online reviews

Online reviews can help you attract the funding and support that you need to keep going. 80% of donors say reading reviews influences their giving habits. 90% add that nonprofit reviews help them get a better understanding of the organization, its mission, and its impact on the community. These online reviews are also a way to cement your transparency and credibility — people want to know where their money is going.

Nonprofits can use online reviews to learn more about what your community wants and needs. By reading this feedback, you can gain insight on any tweaks or changes that might benefit your program. What’s more, online reviews help attract not only donors, but also employees and volunteers. Difficulty recruiting and retaining quality staff is one of the biggest challenges that nonprofits face.

6 tips to get more online reviews for nonprofits

Online reviews can benefit your nonprofit in several different ways. Follow these tips to start getting consistent, recent good reviews across the web.

#1. Do impactful work

The most basic way to get good reviews? Do good work. Make sure your nonprofit is doing impactful work that deserves positive reviews. This ground-up approach is an organic method of gaining more five-star reviews and more eyes on your charity. 

#2. Create profiles on review sites

Your next step is to create and claim profiles on multiple review sites. These might include:

  • Google Business Profile
  • Sitejabber
  • Yelp
  • Facebook

These are all places where people research local businesses and nonprofits. Creating official accounts on these platforms makes it easy for people to find you and leave a review. 

#3. Leverage social media

Once you’ve set up verified profiles on third-party review websites, share the links across your social media accounts (like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). Consider adding a link to your Google Reviews page in your social media bios for easy access.

You can also put out a general call for reviews on your social media, asking followers to share their experiences with your organization. 

#4. Ask for reviews

Don’t be afraid to directly ask your current clients/customers/recipients, donors, volunteers, and even employees or staff members to write a review. According to Moz, more than half of customers will usually write a review if they’re asked. The top reason people don’t review your business or nonprofit is simply because they forgot to — so you aren’t overstepping to ask.

Here’s a simple email template to get you started (make sure to include a direct link to a review platform):

Hey [name],

Thanks for coming out and supporting our animal shelter last weekend — we’re grateful for your help! Would you be willing to write a brief review about your experience volunteering with us? This helps us attract donors so we can save and rehome even more pets in need. We appreciate your time!

#5. Engage with reviewers

Make sure to answer each review you receive. This shows that you care about what people are saying, and you aim to improve where necessary.

Your responses don’t have to be long or complicated. In fact, it’s better if they aren’t. Simply say:

Hey [name],

Thanks so much for your review — we’re thankful for how you help us support foster kids in need!

Negative reviews can pose a bigger problem. As a nonprofit, you don’t want anything to hurt your reputation. If you do receive a negative review, try to make any problems right. Craft a simple, but personal response that acknowledges the experience, plus any steps you’re taking to fix in the near term and improve for the future – additional conversation can happen offline. Then shake it off and keep moving forward.

#6. Highlight reviews on your website

Once you have reviews consistently coming in from a variety of sources, make sure it’s easy for new clients, volunteers, or donors to see them. Create space to highlight reviews on your website. They can go on your homepage, strategically placed above the fold so they’ll get more views. Or dedicate a separate page specifically for testimonials and reviews.

Get more nonprofit online reviews

Getting more online reviews can go a long way for your nonprofit — and the process doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming, or complex. Start by creating a free business account with Jabio by Sitejabber. Then share the link with your donors or volunteers, asking them to write a review so you can continue doing good for all.

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