by Jabio
5 January 2024
6 min read

What Can Businesses Do About the Fake Review Epidemic?

The internet has revolutionized how buyers find and choose everything from restaurants to doctors to electronics. And customer feedback and recommendations shared online have played an integral part in buyer confidence when it comes to making the right purchases sight unseen. 

Unfortunately, trust in online reviews has been shaken by a proliferation of fake content. In fact, the US Federal Trade Commission proposed sweeping regulations in 2023 to fight online review fraud, citing an estimated $152 billion annual loss in ecommerce revenue worldwide caused by fake reviews.

Last fall’s case of Dr. Mohrmann, fined $100,000 by the New York Attorney General for employing fabricated reviews on a number of websites including Yelp, is just one stark example of this crisis. Fake reviews – whether left by parties with a conflict of interest or crafted by digital marketing mills for a price – mislead consumers, damage reputations, and erode trust in credible businesses and industries tarnished by a few bad apples.

The scale of the problem is alarming. Amazon alone blocked over 200 million suspected fake reviews in 2022, while Google removed 115 million rule-breaking reviews from Maps that same year. These aren’t isolated incidents – they represent a systematic manipulation of online trust with potentially harmful consequences. 

Can the Coalition for Trusted Reviews Help?

In response, initiatives like the Coalition for Trusted Reviews have arisen, comprised of tech giants, review platforms, and travel companies like Amazon, Glassdoor, and Expedia. The group aims to:

  • Share Resources and Information: This includes facilitating collaboration between member platforms to share best practices for detecting and removing fake reviews, with the goal of quicker identification and removal of bad actors across multiple platforms.
  • Develop Industry Standards: Clear standards for identifying and defining fake reviews could lead to more consistent detection methods.
  • Advocate for Regulations: The group plans to lobby for stricter government regulations regarding fake reviews. This could potentially lead to stronger legal repercussions for businesses and individuals engaging in review fraud.

However, skepticism abounds. Critics view it as a PR stunt, questioning its effectiveness and potential for deflecting scrutiny from stricter regulations. The logistical hurdles of policing such a vast ecosystem further fuel doubt. Other criticisms of the coalition include:

  • Lack of Transparency: While the coalition advocates for review transparency, its own structure and operations remain shrouded in secrecy. There are calls for increased transparency regarding its decision-making processes, membership criteria, and accountability measures. “People are predicting that it could invite more scrutiny of its members,” said James Sivis, VP of Marketing at Sitejabber.
  • Limited Scope: The group currently focuses on ecommerce and travel platforms, excluding crucial areas like healthcare and professional services. Critics argue that a comprehensive approach is needed to effectively tackle the diverse and evolving landscape of online review manipulation.
  • Potential Industry Capture: With tech giants holding significant power within the Coalition for Trusted Reviews, concerns arise about potential bias and manipulation of standards in favor of their own platforms. This could further stifle competition and undermine the overall credibility of the initiative.
  • Alternatives and Solutions: Some experts believe that relying solely on industry-led initiatives is insufficient. They call for stricter government regulations, increased consumer awareness and education, and independent review platforms focused on specific sectors like healthcare.

What Not to Do

While businesses may be tempted to “fight fire with fire”, never stoop to the level of creating fake reviews. The desire to neutralize negativity with manufactured positivity can be strong, but can only end in disaster. Not only does it further erode credibility – it can also land businesses in serious legal hot water as the FTC cracks down with costly penalties and fines

Radio silence in response to fake reviews can be misconstrued as guilt or indifference. In the case of falsified reviews coming to light, businesses should make sure they speak up. We encourage engaging with genuine reviewers, acknowledging concerns, and outlining the steps taken to address and eliminate fake reviews.

Also, when making statements regarding fake reviews, businesses should avoid passing blame or pointing fingers at competitors or review platforms. It erodes brand credibility by creating an avoidant atmosphere: “It’s not our fault, so we’re not going to do anything.” It breeds further negativity and fuels public spectacle. Finally, it distracts from the true priority – customers. Trust builds through consistent, positive interactions with buyers, not by hurling accusations.

What We’re Doing at Jabio

We recognize the gravity of the fake reviews crisis and have built our platform on a foundation of unwavering commitment to authenticity and user trust – prioritizing and elevating authentic businesses of all sizes.

Our arsenal of reviews and reputation safeguards for businesses is multi-layered:

  1. Advanced AI Algorithms: Ever-evolving algorithms act as digital sentinels, analyzing review patterns and identifying anomalies. They learn from the shifting tactics of bots and false reviewers, constantly adapting to stay ahead of the curve. We don’t simply rely on keyword flags – our algorithms dive deep into the data, searching for hidden patterns and suspicious behavior.
  1. Human Expertise: Unlike purely automated systems, Jabio utilizes a dedicated team of experienced moderators. These experts meticulously assess content flagged by businesses or other users, applying rigorous criteria to discern the genuine from the fabricated. Employing human oversight helps to ensure legitimate voices pass through.
  1. Positive Review Strategies: The strongest defense against fake, negative reviews? More positive ones from genuinely happy customers. Businesses can leverage Jabio’s toolsets to actively gather and highlight trusted voices. Verified reviewer badges add a layer of trust, so potential customers can immediately recognize genuine feedback and feel confident purchasing. 
  1. Reputation Protection: If fake reviews slip through, businesses can lean on a dedicated support team for investigation and removal. Review monitoring and alert features ensure businesses can stay on top of their reputations. Additionally, our review response capabilities allow direct engagement with reviewers, publicly or privately, to showcase a commitment to open communication and customer satisfaction.

Strengthen Your Business Against Fake Reviews

In the face of this epidemic, businesses don’t have to fight alone. Jabio stands resolute in its commitment to protecting genuine voices and empowering trust with our holistic approach to reviews and reputation management. Our AI sentinels and human expertise continuously adapt to combat evolving tactics, while positive review strategies amplify authentic voices and build unshakeable customer confidence. Let Jabio be your shield against the storm of fake reviews. Join the fight for online transparency and register today.

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