13 businessesI've ordered from Magic Kitchen twice, and both times the food arrived fully frozen and safe. It was easy to prepare and delicious! The chicken pot pie was wonderful. And the braised beef was tender a... read more
I have used Jobst ActiveWear since 2007 for lymphedema. The knee socks do the job without being uncomfortable.
My local medical supply store closed, none of the others had ActiveWear. I was glad to fi... read more
These active compression socks are just what I needed after recovering from a major right foot surgery! They keep the swelling down and feel so comfortable under my ankle brace! I may start wearing th... read more
I'm still waiting for my $66 refund or my SOCKS since the beginning of September! They haven't responded yet. I've sent a lot of emails and make several phone calls.
Warmest regards read more
This was one of the best topic i encountered on the site of ADA. It taught me what others have done in the past that prevented them from acquiring the disease. It is actually working for me a whole lo... read more
Dr Patel is THE very Best! It's been 7 years since I had a tumor on perotid gland[neck] removed & the metasized cancer on my spine treated with radiation.I am disabled[but not from thecancer]& live qu... read more
PatientsEngage, a social enterprise, is a patient/caregiver focused healthcare platform for supporting the management of chronic diseases. We are looking to collaborate with patient support organisati... read more
My situation is a difficult one. With a family history of colon cancer as well as reproductive cancer my conflict is should I take the chance of having a colonoscopy since I'm also an older person wit... read more
I ordered an XL and there is no way I could get this on my swollen ankle. The photo shows the sock unstretched. I couldn't photograph the sock stretch but it stretches to 6". Returns are not accepted.... read more
This company claims to have "same day" shipping and "fast shipping". Neither of which is true. Instead it took them 4 days to ship a simple order. But the label was printed the same day. I emailed the... read more