Yes! Hi! I am an premium member. But right now I feeling a little troubled. So perhaps somebody can assist me in my dilemma. Currently, I am unable to purchase credits to my account so that I am able to communicate with the ladies. I am not sure why? Furthermore, I never ever had this kind of problem before since I have been on this site. So I am requesting some help in resolving this little problem that I am having with this site. Thank You So Much!!! Sincerely, David
I can guarantee you that the girl does not exist. You have been talking to an employee of the site the whole time and she is trying to turn it around to make it as if it is your mistake. Leave the site at once
Some of these women are real, but beware so much scamming going on this site. OLD WISE SAYING: IF IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, DOUBT IT FIRST before proceeding. Do not say you were not warned
Save yourself a lot of heartache and stay away from this is a big scam. I will ask you this. Have you met any of these ladies in person. I am sure you have not and you never will bevause they dont exist
They don't want to let me & my lady exchange info now that we want to meet. It has caused nothing buy problems between us. She thinks i am irresponsible when it is Amolatina...