Is BackWaterReptiles a scam or a legit company?

asked by Jessica O. on 1/22/22

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user johns14696

Scam I ordered chickens from other companies and they ship live animals to my PO box this company claims that live animals cannot be shipped to a PO box the mail department USPS offices will call and contact the post box owner to notify them that they have live animals there for them to pick up and they have a certain amount of time approximately 4 hours to pick up so you schedule your day of your shipping arrival in order to get it picked up I have ordered numerous chickens ducks turkeys quail I've even ordered lizards and spiders from other companies and I've always had them shipped to my PO box in this company refuses to or at least that's their excuse and then when you ask for your money back at least stop talking to you and don't give you your money

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Thumbnail of user whitneyh170

It's a real company but I paid a lot for a dead tortoise

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Thumbnail of user tytytyt

Its kinda in between scam and legit I wouldnt get my hopes up too much on buying its hit or miss like they said

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Thumbnail of user marandah7

Scam. Unprofessional no way to contact. Poor aquatic frogs weren't even shipped in water. Suffered a horrible death.

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Thumbnail of user teem30

They will send you animals. Hit or miss on being alive. I wouldn't buy again

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Thumbnail of user dmitriyv15

Legit company with very healthy Reptiles. I would buy from them again.

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