How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at

asked by Dan O. on 12/2/20

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user davidl2893

Really easy. Helped a ton, and solved my problem within the week (back and forth to gather info and such).

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Thumbnail of user ernestot25

Molto rapidi nelle risposte con i clienti e servizio post vendita eccellente

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Thumbnail of user mosesd17

Real easy. Just send an email and they will get back to you in a day or two

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Thumbnail of user dand766

I use the Banggood message window since there is a 12 hour difference where I live in Canada, this works very well since I'll send a message in the evening and by the time I get up in the morning I usually have my answer.

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Thumbnail of user pavelv18

Contact is simple and easy using the Contact Support form in Banggood.

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