Dose any1 know how long it takes to register the bike?

asked by Lisa H. on 12/17/15

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user alanf34

I don't know of an municipality that requires you to register it.

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Thumbnail of user scottg49

You use to be able to register your bike at local police departments. It was not a requirement, it was to notify you if they recovered your stolen bike.

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Thumbnail of user keng32


There is no law that I'm aware of which requires anyone to register a non-motorized vehicle in the United States.

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Thumbnail of user larryw45

Most places in the United States do not require you to register a bicycle. In certain towns, that do require registration, it's a matter of going to the local municipality and providing the serial number that is located on the underside of the crank.

It's a good idea to copy this number and save it in a safe place. If your bike is stolen, you can report it to the local police department, pawn shops, etc. Some people have recovered their stolen bikes by posting a picture and a stolen comment on Craig's list. Other Craig's list buyers will sometimes notify the poster of a for sale listing of their bike on the list.

Best thing to do is buy a really good lock and keep it locked up.

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Thumbnail of user johnz30

I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Regester the bike in what manner?

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Thumbnail of user jimc121

I never registered my bike, unable to answer your question.

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