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I've been on hold 4 days in roll for withdrawals 200$ each day for some technical issue supposedly
asked by
Joseph J.
on 5/6/24
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Why I can log in with my email address
Yea I'm not pleased at all with bitplay.ag it's been over 30 hours and I still haven't received my winnings I'm actually really irritated
Why does your staff lie all the time? Why do you refuse to cash out a long time, loyal customer? Why did your business practices change to crap?
I want to know when my winnings will be released? It's almost been a whole month & I haven't received anything. Just a bunch of LIES. FRAUDULENT SI
Hello how can I take a picture of me and my drivers license and me and I even got to take a picture of the tíme and platform to how can I do that
Where is my money it's been over 24 hours you cannot advertise saying that you can usually take up the 24 hours but you will have your funds when it's
I have already given so many different reviews to see if the withdraw is faster and it never is
What is the fastest way to withdrawal
I'm jus here for the comments! But overall you all are ok
My review ain't fake it's real! I'm a real customer who play my own money! I jus wish the withdrawal process went faster than it do!
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