is it safe to book flight ticket from

asked by damodar g. on 4/30/19

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user aditd2

If losing your money considered safe then you may say that

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Thumbnail of user stephaniep1517

No! Do not do business with BudgetAir.
Some country's government needs to put these scam artists out of business. The company may be based in India.

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Thumbnail of user traceyc104

Their IATA liscence belongs to another company - everywhere says they are a scam.

We booked and both Claire and I tripled checked booking before paying. Without doubt our RETURN TRIP from UK was 17th July. We have just printed e-TICKET as we fly to UK on Saturday. To ou HORROR the ticket reads 17Th June! We phoned to change flight - the woman was rude, evassive and unhelpful - they want R26 000 from us to change flight to what we origonally booked. THIS IS FRAUD! WE CANNOT AFFORD THAT and may have to stay behind in South Africa and miss my neice's wedding.

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