Does charning date pay their ladies I am convinced its a complete scam.The problem is caused by the site itself no contact p'ossible with the ladies expensive beyond belief its just a gravy train for chinese triads who own the site, am I right?

asked by David S. on 4/20/15

13 Answers
Thumbnail of user bealb

Do they get paid?

Not in a conventional way set up in a western society. Charming Date, gets its women from "affiliates" in Ukraine. These "dating groups" go out and advertise for women, who are seeking western men. The site pays the "affiliates" money for each women's profile they get to use the site. I CANNOT definitely say that the affiliate groups are set up to pay the women. They feed them a lot of bull$#*! about how easy it is to marry a western man. In Ukraine, the average salary is about 200 bucks a month. A lot of these women love that country, but want a better life. The dating sites know this and use this as their leverage to get women to sign up. They really BELIEVE that someone is going to marry them. That is their dream and the dating sites tell them that the dream will never be realized if they are not exposed to a society (western) that can give them a better life.

Not all of those women are scammer's. You have groups within the affiliated dating service group, that is filled with nothing but scammers. I am SURE that the leader of these groups ASK to be paid for each women they get to sign up.If they DO pay a woman, she is not getting hardly anything at all. A Ukrainian woman is not going to get rich advertising herself online at different dating sites. I would say she is lucky if she even gets 10% of a reply. And then that is eaten up by all the photo-shopping that is done to make them look more beautiful. She is stuck, she does not realize how hard it is to get her out of the Ukraine because the dating site will not ever tell her of the VISA restrictions that are attached to Ukrainian citizens when it comes to visiting the West. But the dating site is her only hope., so she stays with it not because of the little she may be getting, but because she believes that she will find a real husband from the west. To the dating sites, she is nothing but the product they advertise to make money off of, and some of the women have gotten hip to that. I have had a couple talk to me seriously about how they felt they were not being informed on how hard it is to marry a western man because of the restrictions on the average Ukrainian's VISA. The dating site WANTS you to fall in love with one, wants you to keep buying credits, spending money, and if you are communicating with a lady from one of the crooked affiliate sites, she will be encouraging you to keep writing, or will try to seduce you with words. A real lady does not do that, even in the sites. If you tell her the site is too high, she wants to know how much you pay. If you tell her you can only write her once a week, she will tell you that she will cherish each letter you send. If you are in a site that has video chat, you can SEE the very woman you are talking too, which Charming Date may have now. A true Ukrainian woman will introduce you to her family through the video chat, show you her brothers and sisters, because Ukrainians are all about family. They are proud of their families and want them to meet you. I have done this several times at another site and even send emails to them without the use of a site, but it costs them a lot of money to respond to you, to have what you send to them interpreted. CharmingDates plays this game two ways, they pimp the woman without her knowing how hard it will be to get this dream, and they scam you thinking you are just going to find a wife here just by a few chats or letters. You might, but you can bet you will be spending a lot of money to send and respond to letters. CharmingDate cheats on their chat feature by NOT giving you the full time you pay for, and they DO have women, who are members of the dating site, answering chat invitations. So, that should tell you something right there. Because there seem to be no restrictions or laws governing these crooked affiliate sites from Ukraine, this will not ever stop. But... there are a few sites out there that you can really meet some decent, nice, attractive and respectful women from Ukraine. After you have been around for awhile, you can smell a scam a mile away. A real Ukrainian woman will SURPRISE you with how friendly she is. She will SHOCK you with how humble she is. All she wants... is for you to be her friend and she HOPES, that it becomes more than that. There are many, many attractive women there. This I learned AFTER my first post here. But because there are so many, the men there take them for granted and will leave them in a minute.

They are there, they are in Charming Date, but there is so many frauds and scammers there also, the dating site can easily get out of trouble by saying they have no policies at all governing the affiliates who sell them profiles of women they recruit. The site says "no scams", that is true for any society that has laws, but they do not get these women from a society based on that. So, it is easy for a woman and the company she works for, to scam the site, which I am sure... they know it.

Good luck out there! Search the sites hard, there are some Ukrainian women that are really worth your time and attention.

I am continuing to find out more and more about Ukraine. It is a very interesting place. It also seems that, the more you seem to want to know about their country, the more honest women are attracted to you. The more intelligent you act towards them, the more credible the women seem to get. It seems like a word goes around the country that says" this guy has a real interest in our country, he is worth being serious with" The truth be told, a lot of dudes, pay that little money to those women, and want nothing but virtual sex from them. That is how I believe the scammers got a foothold in the industry. The cry for immoral (smile).

Everything you have read here is based on my personal opinion, on things I have learned while talking and dealing with women from Ukraine. When they were asking me about the unrest in America, about holidays, about how streets look like, you can assume... she is probably on the level. She will NOT EVER ask you for a DIME, nor will she send sob stories about someone in her family being sick. The true Ukrainian woman, for all her humbleness, is still a very PROUD woman. She may not have ANYTHING, but she will not ask anything from you!

Personally... I think if you get a chance to get ahold of a true one?

That Slavic woman is going to love you to death, no matter WHAT you look like... just have a decent heart and treat her correctly.

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Thumbnail of user maxg12

Answer: You are right, but not entirely right. The sites (there are three under the same company name at least) are partly scam-able by the ladies (or sometimes guys) on the other side. The company cannot be sued by any laws because it is the users that do the scam. Yes, the company is implicitly encouraging those (supposedly ladies) to communicate with men by paying them.
I can only say that when you use these website, use your common sense. For example, I have checked the number of online ladies at 5:30am local Ukraine time. Believe me there were exactly 646 ladies online at 5:30am!
This indicates either those ladies are so desperate to meet a guy to get married or equally desperate to get paid by communicating some dumb guys. Decide yourself. I am not saying that these sites are completely scam; I am only telling you that many of the ladies are not fit for a normal man if he is looking for his future wife.
P.s. I am going to Ukraine. If any one of you are going, let's help each other.

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Thumbnail of user davidh536

I agrre actually con artist. The last one I met, a Lubov, basically told her about the scammers in the site, the ones that one a VISA out of you, etc. I basically told her that I would possibly read her reply back and if I could find any positive feedback as where she lives, her real name or so on, I would consider to maintain a serious conversation about a possible relationship and even visit her in Ukraine. I know for a fact that I gave her insights into my facebook account cause Spaniards have two surnames and don´t think that they are gonna delete that from the text. Finally, I was daring and simulatively gave her an insight into my skype account. Every single time that I logged in had a message from her insisting me on contacting her telling me that she was the real deal, that she would try to pass me her contact details. After my quite sharp message in which I actually insisted that I was no sugar dady never heard back from her. It´s been three days and I know for a fact that she is connected 24/7 and no more messages to me after that, ever since it became an obsession to me if the thing was real or not. So, be realisitic, as it has been said there are Ukranian and Russian hookers (no disrespect for most of the women living there that are not affiliated to these sites) worldwide (in my neighbour and I live in a small city in Spain there is a whole quarter) and for 50 bucks they will make you worth your while..

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Thumbnail of user shanek16

Its a complete scam even after months and! 000s of dollars you will never be allowed to make contact and they have a thousand reasons you should keep contacting the website at charges like $100 us dollars for a phone call and $5 us to open a message or phone None are genuine single women they are just making an income from this scam--also be very careful when they start demanding copies of your passport or drivers licence to make contact you wont make contact butyou might get some other surprises once they have your details

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Thumbnail of user emanuelef1

Absolutely yes they pay the ladies use their profile and do not care even if one has evidence and prove of the misuse!

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Thumbnail of user davidl1002

Is there ANY credibility at all to this particular website? I mean, how delusional must one be to sort out that so-called "rare gem" from these con artists who permeate dating sites? There must be some truth to it somewhere!

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Thumbnail of user timothyl74

Yes they have photos of women and clearly the ones you see of one woman are so different from the others that what possible explanation could there be. These cam chats or cam hosings will show them continually having inappropriate reactions to the conversation and i have had the same idiot ask me the same question 2 or 3 times in a short chat. And whenever you see some simpleton with a dumb smile and you ask tell them you are blowing a kiss or ask them too there is that same dumb smile.
This is a crooked crime syndicate

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Thumbnail of user zacke13

Good jobs guys, together we can fight down the scammers.

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Thumbnail of user bobs156

Great overview

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Thumbnail of user alejandrog3

As far as I know, yes they get paid every time some1 reads their letter or views their video or chats with them, the Russian /Ukraine site is a SCAM!

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Thumbnail of user jimb144

If you rush to pay abs play, you' ve been played. If you're waiting for the coast to clear you've played them and in the process enjoyes some pretty pictures.

I know you can't talk to the "Ladies" unless you pay but chances are that you'll be talking to a hairy old guy living in his mama's basement.

Never pay and you won't have to ask for refund... If you already Paid then play with it until you exhaust your credit

All the ladies want to create a happy and strong family and from their profiles they love Cooking doing laundry etc. all the things American women refuse To do. By that they advertise theor fakery.

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Thumbnail of user scottm99

This is on going for me, I will say some are fake. I talked to some ladies through the site email. One seemed real but in the end no because she did not disclose any contact info. You have to be with the site for at least 3 months. Here are some things to look over, pictures if they are pose, some emails have will have your last name I feel these are fake but, some will be just first name and be still fake. I was talking to a another lady a few times then one email was like it was first email. I am talking with a lady but, unknown at this time. I do believe that there are real ones here but, there are fake ones also. More will come...

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Thumbnail of user rayc47

I do not know about the Chinese site. I used the Ukranian site. I believe that they simply pay the ladies for pictures and then become that lady until it is time for a meeting. At that time they find an excuse not to show.
And then to be even more audacious they begin writing saying how sorry thru are and that they love you still more that ever. Real con artists. I wish I that I was the internet police and could arrest them and send to jail for a long time.

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