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I received my order yesterday and the items are too big.i need a return address
asked by
Kelly S.
on 6/8/23
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Hi I need to return items - I have been trying for the last 7 days and there is nothing to she me how. It is bagged up ready to return - please advise
It's been 3 weeks and I haven't received my order and it's not tracking. I will never order again. This is the worst site ever!
How do you return articles, because i have reached out to the company, and have not received a response yet
I need to exchange my shoes I ordered for a size bigger. How do I do that
How do I connect you by phone it's 2week now and I haven't received my order
I order from ChicMe and I haven't recived my order I am so mad it's been a month and all it says on my profile it's on its way but I am tire of waitin
Are they true to size?
If I order today will I get my stuff by the 17th or 18th?
How do.I return items that are too big
How do the sizes fit. Are they true to size?
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