China Love
Questions & Answers

There seem to be a lot of ladies that seem to be extremely rich, are they scammers??

Asked by Sas W. on 1/10/2019

3 Answers
Lily T.6/17/2019

All fake, Super expensive. I spent $800 talked to 2 persons in one day, Very quickly fingered out that it is all Scams!
ricky k.5/16/2020

Yes, some of them are scammer, just lie on the website without any prove they are really rich, i find a woman which saidher family has real estate business but she does not have money just to buy airplane tickets, super liar
Guy B.4/17/2020

The huge rip-off! 90% of fake billionaires! As most of the profiles are totally a huge swindle, written by the hired scammers!

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