Coffee Meets Bagel
Questions & Answers

has anyone been scammed by a name Bobby Bakker? claims he is a team lead in an oil rig and relocating to Singapore next week..

Asked by Pauline T. on 3/17/2019

3 Answers
Felise T.5/24/2019

Have you ever met a guy called Logan' or Logan Morris Tim'?
He claimed he is on a contract working in Kuwait and he deals with oil rigs. He is a Petroleum Engineer.
His English is pretty good, claimed he is mix American and Singaporean. Found him fishy and challenged him with many questions. He couldnt answer so I blocked him.
Ida v.5/17/2019

Hi, i know this guy i met him in CMB. Can you give an info what is his tactics? Maybe same as mine! Omg!
Jessica R.4/4/2019

Anyone who says that they are leaving the country for a job is a big time scam; dont answer back; they will also ask for money and they will never meet you in person

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