Can you share a success story using Colonial Van Lines?

asked by Karen X. on 3/28/22

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user aqilahc1

No success at all, disaster from the beginning. They were late, unprofessional, used hauls and not company trucks as shown on the website, no freight truck was used. Uhaul, peskne trucks. They stole a firearm, money, broke open boxes, broke television. Horrible service. Never use this company

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Thumbnail of user arfatofeeq

No. Because they are awful. Poor customer service. Hire randoms off Craigslist. Damage furniture and then ignore your inquiries for refunds.

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Thumbnail of user conniem771

No. There was nothing successful about our entire move. We too had many items stolen, ladders, hand carts, leather ottoman, tools, batteries... Their packers were a joke-used Home Depot boxes, single ply paper and shrink wrap. No bubble wrap or padded paper. We have boxes full of smashed items including our printer. No company trucks were used- who knows how many transfers our stuff had... the boxes looked like they had been through a tornado-ripped, crushed, open... They should be ashamed of their lack of care about people's belongings.

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