When are customers going to be refunded for the lies you are giving about trials and money you are stealing?

asked by SaraJane S. on 7/11/17

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user dougj2

. Hi Sara. Were sorry that you may have gotten the wrong impression of our service and subscription resume builder service. We would like to provide you some information which may clear up any concerns about your account:
Our free account gives you the opportunity to try out our resume and cover letter builder before deciding to purchase. The ability to print, email, or download your resumes and cover letters are features included in our paid subscription and not listed as a feature of the free account. You can download a plain text version of your resume for free. In order to use all premium features of the service, we offer customers a 14 day access for $1.95 USD and we indicate up front that it will auto renew after the 14 day period and that it can be canceled at any time. The auto renewal is listed with the features of the 14-day subscription on the sales page, as well as on the payment and confirmation pages. We also send a payment confirmation e-mail stating the date and amount of the auto-renewal. We do offer several ways to cancel including via phone, live chat, e-mail and self-cancellation in your Account Settings. If you have any additional concerns regarding your account, please feel free to contact us so we can provide with further assistance. Thank you!

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Thumbnail of user mollyl50

They won't, only after you complain to your credit card and reverse charges.

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Thumbnail of user cherylef1

Thsi is true they don't refund any money they lie and say they do

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