I am looking at their outlet section of the site. The prices are very good. I am worried about buying open boxed items. Has anyone had a good experience with this and do they honor a return if it doesn't work?

asked by Tom U. on 4/3/15

6 Answers
Thumbnail of user curtisp71

I've bought outlet item for many years now and never had an issue or even needed to return. I'm pretty sure you can return if not happy with it. It says it under the price after you click on that item I believe

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Thumbnail of user iand105

I think they are the best place for car stereos, their service for me was excellent, so I think they are trustworthy and wouldn't hesitate to buy outlet stuff from them.

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Thumbnail of user karld33

Yes, they have a good return policy, this place has been in business for years, trustworthy, quality

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Thumbnail of user allisap

I bought a 'scratch and dent' Infinity Kappa Perfect 12 VQ for $149.99, retail was $279.99. It came with the standard 3 year warranty and arrived without a scratch or dent, it could have been sold as new and I would have been none the wiser. That was in 2004 and it still slams hard, I burnt through three 12 inch MTX Thunder 8000's in 4 years with the same amp that's been pushing the Kappa for 11 years. I wouldn't hesitate to order from the outlet. My only regret is that I didn't get two.

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Thumbnail of user arnolds26

I ordered an Onkyo open box surround sound sytem. When it arrived the box looked like it had been dropped off the truck and had rolled around for about a mile. It had box tape all over but I still accepted it knowing that I could return it. It had a little damage on a couple of the speakers, which they had told me about, they even packed the broken pieces. The rest of the unit was in excellent shape, much to my surprise! Glued the pieces and I was good to go! Even got the factory warranty. I would definitely buy from them again!

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Thumbnail of user fredm43

I have not used their outlet. Neither have I purchased any open box items. Sorry

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