Questions & Answers

how did you stop the payments

Asked by Angel C. on 4/11/2017

2 Answers
Marcus B.3/24/2020

Only through your bank! Cupid managers are scoundrels! Have they also put you on an automantic renewal? They do it all the time, and they add bogus charges. I know we are supposed to read the fine print, but it's really hidden on Cupid. They use all methods and tricks to screw you out of your money! It was such a headache to cancel my membership! There are bunch of normal sites like
Which work in an honest manner, you pay as you go. But Cupid's team are fraudsters! You have to think twice ( no, 5 times!) before giving them your credit card details.
Jamie Y.5/5/2017

I am calling my bank to BLOCK them

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