Daily Kos
Questions & Answers

I'm concerned about your response to this woman: After years of reading Daily Kos, I felt motivated to make my first comment, ever. Based on that one comment ... I was banned for life! I am a professional, a grandmother, UC Berkeley educated, and have 40+ years of education and insight into many topics, concerning science and health. But Daily Kos decided I was on an "anti science rant". So I have decided Daily Kos could care less for facts, and wanted to silence my "inconvenient voice" as soon as possible. How is it that a liberal and progressive publication can ... without warning whatsoever... ban a commenter for life after a single comment. This stifles meaningful, intelligent and diverse conversation. If Daily Kos doesn't want my intelligent, thoughtful comments concerning science, then Daily Kos is not a publication worthy of my attention. I believe Big Pharma has infiltrated, and Daily Kos is theirs for propaganda. What do you have to say about that? Seems pretty stifling of discussion.

Asked by Dana T. on 2/17/2017

1 Answer
Richard R.7/13/2019

I myself enjoy the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle, after studying organic chemistry, biochem and physiology. But I never explored that issue on Kos for two reasons 1: The subject is not an issue to me, the health benefits are self-evident; but on other forums I have encountered the recalcitrance of vegans. 2: Other issues, like the preservation of democracy and the rule of law have demanded my attention. To my eyes, the whole society is directed by Big Pharma, Big Ag Chem, Big Food and Big Insurance, and the enormous advertising and lobbying power they wield. As for Kos, I can't speculate on the practices of the population. I don't adhere to the "liberals are vegans, conservatives are carnivore" meme, as I am an example of the falsity of that assertion. I will say, however, there seems to be a lack of imagination on the site of ways to address national health issues beyond medical coverage or a comprehensive cost/benefit comparison of private, employer-based and single-payer health plans. I do think it's safe to say many on Kos would be defensive regarding the ties to the industries the Democratic party maintains, or their complicity in the 1977 Congressional Report that recommended a low-fat, high-carb diet that has been catastrophic for the nation's health and healthcare system.

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