recently bought an iphone off depop, the seller said hed post yesterday and claimed to do so, but hasnt replied since i asked for tracking no, scam?

asked by hugh m. on 9/1/17

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user mansons

It might be a scam honestly, i would say open a dispute with them. Mercari is a lot better btw, way cheaper. Mercari also holds the money until your item is delivered and you inspect and review the item.

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Thumbnail of user daryls66

I'm a bit weary buying from depop, last time I bought from them. It must have taken a month for my parcel to arrive.
The company depop is a legitimate online business and they do take your money right away if you pay by debit card or credit card
I recommend buying from ebay it is alot faster and they provide you with a tracking number

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Thumbnail of user valeriam27

This is a very common scam in Depop. Sorry, you can't just buy from any website, you have to research platform reviews to tell if you are risking your money.

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