asked by
on 6/1/20Thank you for your questions, Kimberly! We will be glad to have your assignment written by one of our magnificent experts and we'll be glad to attach a plagiarism report just for you to be 100% sure that the paper is written from scratch. Once your order is completed, you will receive a follow up call to make sure you were happy with the writer's work. If that's the case, you can request them for your future assignments as well, it's free of charge! If you have any questions or issues, our team is here 24/7 to find the best solution to your inquiry. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Scam, don't waste your money. I was provided with an unusable product and was then told I would have to pay MORE to have someone properly write the assignment. Writer ignored directions that where given from the beginning and then blamed me somehow.