Questions & Answers

is it real or fake

Asked by sandeep k. on 5/4/2017

5 Answers
Amlan C.5/10/2017

It is real many proofs are there
Dhanooj k.12/22/2019

It's fake

Don't play this

It's all internal game of their own

I lost many money as my frnds too

I was late to understand

So IAM telling here now
Ravi k.11/26/2019

It's fake, many times they are not giving team lineups. We lost money.
TPL C.12/6/2018

It's real app and same it's type india stock market trading participate with over app http://www.tplcontest.com is over officially website and more detail available in this site
Trader Premier league
varun g.5/5/2017

Its a fake app. Worst kind of chutiyapa one has ever made

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