If I order clothes will I get exactly what I order or would it a fraud? I really like you guys clothes and I see a lot of good views but mostly bad.

asked by Kendria W. on 9/10/15

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user kathier1

It's not a fraud, but the clothes are cheaply made and run two sizes too small, so you can't return them to China. If you do they just say they never got them. Order XL if you are a M.

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Thumbnail of user dianneo

Hi kendria you will get what you order ive been ordering from dresslink for almost 2years now and i have alwayz recieved exactly what i ordered.ive never had any trouble with my orders or the postage. I would recomend dresslink to anyone.

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Thumbnail of user siennam

Don't do it.

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Thumbnail of user miriamh3

There are some clothes that looks exactly and come as advertised, and other clothing come smaller or not as picture, similar but no like as advertised, could be because of different fabric (usually lower quality than expected). But all orders came to my house and complete, nothing missing.

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Thumbnail of user patriciad26

You will eventually get what you ordered. It usually takes aehile due to shipment. I ordered shoes off Dresslink and I absolutely love them. I have never ordered clothes because theh run particularly small. And also, the clothes are cheap, you get what you pay for.

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