How do you manage to stay in business with your customer service and bad reviews?
Asked by Charles R. on 3/10/2017
2 Answers
Customer S.5/1/2017
Admittedly, we've had a tough time with a total system overhaul that occurred at the end of August 2016. We've come a long way since then but have run into other issues as Laura points out, where the black powders got mislabeled leading to glossy black being packaged as satin black.
Laura, as far as the other issues you describe, I certainly hope we have resolved the issues to your satisfaction--if not, please email and address your issue to one of our Team Leaders or the Director of Customer Solutions. Tim-Customer Solutions
Admittedly, we've had a tough time with a total system overhaul that occurred at the end of August 2016. We've come a long way since then but have run into other issues as Laura points out, where the black powders got mislabeled leading to glossy black being packaged as satin black.
Laura, as far as the other issues you describe, I certainly hope we have resolved the issues to your satisfaction--if not, please email and address your issue to one of our Team Leaders or the Director of Customer Solutions. Tim-Customer Solutions
laura e.4/24/2017
I really dont see how. I spend about $8,000 a year in powder coat paint there. And have been looking for similar paints from other vendors so I do not have to deal with Eastwood. Out of stock. Backorders, overcharging me, 3 hours with customer service. Thought it was resolved. Nope. Finally had to dispute with credit card. Incomplete orders and sending me random paint I did not order, changing their paint without notification. I have bought Satin Black for 2 years. Liked the paint but it really was not a Satin. I advertised my painted products as flat black and it was great for that. After two years. A batch of my painted products were suddenly glossy. I thought I was going crazy. Prismatic Powders and Powder By The Pound will get my business from now on
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