Hi can i get a refund

asked by Lamla H. on 3/31/20

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user adriennen35

No, they will give you a run around, but no refunds.

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Thumbnail of user tazr3

I have requested a full refund, but based on my experience I'm not expecting them to consider it. I will update here if they do actually refund me.

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Thumbnail of user suznnem

I have been emailing back and forth with Meredith for over a week. At one point she offered me $29.95 of my $107.70 refund. I told her, if that was the best she could do I would take it, and that I really thought I should get at least half back. I used the platform for two days and was unable to navigate the website to contact customer service. I had to contact Elite Singles through my credit card. After a week and a half, Elite Singles has retracted their offer to reimburse me $29.95. I am out the entire $107.70.

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