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If someone who I am not speaking to bought me a lairdship, how do I have the money refunded to them annd the framed certificate sent back?
asked by
Irelynn H.
on 6/28/21
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I'm interested in "planting a TREE, not having the "Title" Lady. How can I get a Tree planted, and confirmation of it?
Can you buy a title in Ireland? Both our families are from there
I really like the idea of this, but is it legal, and can I legally use this title abroad?
If I use the number provided can I see my plot?
Will I be able to legally change my name and add Lord?
What are the dimensions of the printed titles?
Can my plot be left to someone in my will?
So, from reading here, it seems it is not fraudulent to add the title to our passports. Is this correct? What about our driver's license?
The title came in way to small could you resend in a larger format? Lady Diane Adele Freeman
I have not received A copy of certification o title. Not upset just curious.
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