asked by
on 12/15/18Based on my experience and other reviews I have read, FEDEX is looking to put itself out of business. I will be very happy when Amazon buys them for a discount.
Agree. They are clueless. They have no idea of what they are doing and try to dump questions around. Pathetic
Yes they will shut down for sure but after making everyone FedUp with the worst service.
Enough said. They're horrible. Use any other service.
I used to use ghem long ago,. But continuing abominable overpriced services made me go to the compegtition - and so glad I did!
Agree completey. With your comments. Not fault of the merchant in this instance. FedEx delivery practices are the worst. Never come to the office door - just drop and run by back door of building. Where their truck stops. No calls, no tickets, no notice, with dely on delay in fe cipt of urgent deliveries. Calling customer no-service is even worse... they do nothing practical to help and have no clue what to do about legitimate complaint/questions. Thdy just hang up after wasting your time explaining a problem.
Dont think i need to go into detail. The absolute worst shipping company in the world, in every aspect of the so called company.
USPS sucks, too, but FedEx delivery sucks worse because they are overpaid, supposedly for faster, efficient and secure delivery and they aren't worth our hard earned $$