I want my refund back of 35.99 now did not authorize you to take out of my bank gave you no information. If you won't do this then cancel my membership or whatever now Need answer now or turning over to better business. I will eat the 35.99 but do not want another chg off my acct

asked by Mary N. on 4/20/15

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user rogerr33

My experience and that of others suggests that you should as a matter of urgency monitor your bank account. My account was attacked twice without any authorization whatsoever on my part using PayPal, so you'll need to check there too if you have a PayPal account.

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Thumbnail of user kathleenc13

You have tried to stop Safecart at only $35.99. Excellent! I was into them for more than $200! As to a refund, they did send it. They are a pathetic company, out for no more than your money. Hope you get it back. I wrote to the company directly.

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