Walmart Grocery Delivery
Questions & Answers

We would see if other people had lot of problems with groceries going to wrong address like we have?

Asked by S S. on 10/31/2021

2 Answers
Kimberly W.3/2/2023

Two wrong addresses in one day with picture proof in tracking that it wasn't even my address number
SCOTT H.12/9/2021

I think what you meant to type was, "Are other people's orders being delivered to the wrong address?" To which I would answer: YES. My delivery drivers quite often have problems locating my address. Also, delivery drivers for Walmart Grocery do not want to carry any of the groceries upstairs because they are lazy. Most of the time they want the customer to deliver their own groceries. Which would be okay if I wasnt disabled. I tell them Im disabled. They dont care. Usually its preteen children or little old ladies that are doing the actual delivering. NOT the person registered as the delivery worker. Just be advised the service provided is not the service that you receive. I believe the term is, "Bait and switch." They tell you one thing, but the service that you receive is something else.

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