Is HomeLight a scam or a legit company?
Asked by Maria K. on 1/24/2019
12 Answers
Dan J.1/17/2020
In my opinion after using them they are a scam. I can't say the realtors I met using them were any better than ones I interviewed just randomly calling real estate offices and asking to talk to someone to be a sellers agent. They offer you gift cards to post positive reviews which is my guess why you can find so many; but you are better off just finding a realtor that knows your area.
Tawana M.11/27/2019
They are most definitely a legitimate company. It was almost immediately after I call them I was introduced to an agent and he was fantastic I sold my home quickly.
Doreen R.11/26/2019
Legit company, they were very helpful finding me a real estate agent, who was wondwrful.
Joseph K.11/25/2019
It's legit. I had realtors contact me almost immediately. I chose one and she was awesome.
Daniel B.11/22/2019
Legit company. We were skeptical at first, but were beyond impressed with their service and quick response.
Jim S.10/16/2019
HomeLight is legit. Worked for me. Their advertisement is easy to understand and explains how to reach them and what they provide.
Sydney S.9/30/2019
Absolutely legit-I know it's hard to know what companies are legit or not but I can first hand say that it is a real company. I received multiple phone calls from realtors my first day of signing up and we picked our realtor from this site-he was amazing! I would 100% recommend
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