Is a scam or a legit company?

asked by Joe O. on 3/27/19

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user brendas448

Seems you got your wish and im stuck with 2 dresses and nowhere to return

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Thumbnail of user madelaineh1

Scam! This website is ripping people off, everyone needs to report it and shut it down! They won't return email, money, misleading product! Totally cheap crap from China!

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Thumbnail of user lindaj298

They are not honest at all so I'd have to say a scam

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Thumbnail of user kimf175

SCAM! Scam! Scam! Scam! Scam! Scam!
I'm curious about how many people have been scammed and wondering if we could get the website shut down?

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Thumbnail of user kavehk3

Scam, they quality, return policy, price service, communication... all fraud

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