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Is this good for summer sports camps?
asked by
Randy B.
on 6/24/19
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How do I know if a rental application from jot form is a scam
I am getting a message that my account is banned. It says for phishing system. Can anybody help me understand why and how to get over that?
yes how long will it take for a form to become available
is it free to wordpress users?
is it free?
Good day, Are the information provided by people who fill the form are protected?
Before I get started, I am looking for a way to facilitate a silent auction gift collection. I want to send a form, collect information and an image.
I have never use Jott form But I received an email from them saying that my password was reset and gave an email address using windows from Germany. Does that sound suspicious or could that be legit
I linked my company's website to two forms I created on JotForm which worked great for two weeks. The forms can no longer be accessed as the IP access has been denied. Can't even get to the JotForm website. Any advice?
How do I use one ID across several forms for tracking purposes? I want one form to generate a ticket, one to assign material for work related to that ticket, and a form to complete the process. Is more than one form necessary, or can I link the forms using the ID created on the first form?
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