I am not happy with how your company has managed to get me into an automatic subscription. The fact of this automatic enrolment must have been in the small print and In my opinion well hidden so as to get the £5.95 per week - this is something I can ill-afford! You will see that I have not accessed my account with you other than to compile my CV. I have therefore in affect been paying for something that a) I was not even aware I had accessed to, and b) have not therefore used! In consideration of this I feel it would be of good customer practice for you to refund my payments, which to my horror I note you have been taking since Dec 2015! That's over £150! Paid for absolutely nothing! Please can you contact me as soon as possible to discuss this on my e-mail address of debbiedoodaa2@gmail.com

asked by d k. on 6/27/16

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user dougj2

Hi D:

Thank you for taking the time and submitting your question! We have analyzed your account and due to this specific case we have provide you additional refunds as a courtesy. We are sorry you encounter this issue with our product and hope that our new resolution help us amend this situation.

Best Regards,

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Thumbnail of user nikio

Same thing happened to me this morning! I ticked the box for the monthly access then when I clicked it said it was $95 total so I went back and chose the $1.95 option for 14 days however I was billed $95 - I have contacted the support to refund the excess charges and awaiting a reply.

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Thumbnail of user kelseym18

If you guys wanna make a resume or something w/ my membership thats valid until august 16,2016. Here's my username and pass:
Email: ikelseymo@gmail.com
Password: 969905
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email me a 'thank you' or something so I know how many people are using it. Thanks.

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