Questions & Answers

I used LiveCareer for a template one time for five minumtes, and I've seen $39.80 on my credit card bill for the second month in a row. How do I get this reimbursed as I am not paying it. Thank you.

Asked by Jen W. on 6/9/2015

6 Answers
Merryl A.7/23/2015

I tried phoning Anna and I live in new Zealand. No luck. I've also emailed a lot. Our only way out was to cancel my card and my husbands. They won't refund any of it. We have lost nearly $200 in two months. Good luck. I hope you can get something out of them.
Melissa G.6/9/2015

Phone Anna at Livecareer immediately and demand she cancel your unlawfully obtained subscription and demand a refund. They took money out of an account I barely used for 3years before I noticed!
Kim F.6/9/2015

My credit card company immediately issued a new credit card and cancelled the one LiveCareer was using to charge to my account. This is the ONLY way you can be assured that they will never take another payment.
Dana S.6/9/2015

Contact bank and cc company and inform them. Get on the phone with Live Career and get a cancellation confirmation # and have them email it to you with the date and a statement that says any charges after the cancellation will be void. It is tricky and they are scammers...
Mike P.6/9/2015

Same thing happened to me over three different months. I paid a flat 5.00 fee for a one time document and I then began receiving the charges. When I called hey stated that the fee included an agreement to their monthly service. I didn't know that. I protested with my bank and they opened a fraud investigation. I called Live Career and they guaranteed me they would credit the charges and they didn't. So I resorted to going on the review pages and chastised them emphatically. I finally got them to credit me with the agreement I would remove my reviews. I didn't because I knew others were being taken advantage of. So start by calling them, report fraud to your bank and them if there is no action list a bad review. I'm takes some time but you'll finally receive your credit.
Mike M.6/9/2015

Call your bank first and ask to stop any further payments, then call them directly and go on live chat with them at the same time. Demand that they reimburse you. Do cancel your subscription but do not delete your account until all funds are reimbursed. I cancelled my subscription then deleted my account only to find a month later that they took over $80 in two transactions.
They told me my subscription was still valid even though they had no info of my account because it was deleted. Very big scam

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