Curriculum Associates, LLC
Questions & Answers


Asked by FUCKING IREADY F. on 2/15/2023

3 Answers
eli h.3/5/2023

It's designed extremely poorly. So, therefore it makes it miserable to do. It also doesn't help that the school systems don't give a shit as long as the TEST SCORES are high so they can get GOVERNMENT FUNDING.
Madison J.11/15/2023

I think I-Ready was just made to piss you off. Like god sorry for getting an answer wrong you don't have to rub it in my face >:/

Also the games are hard as crap like dude they're designed to **LOOK** easy but don't let the design fool you it's really hard

Don't even get me started on Math and Reading, like dude i'm trying to read not answer questions and having an irritating asf voice read it too like dude shut up let me read in peace

Same for math I don't understand why the narrators are so annoying I don't at all like it-
milo ..1/20/2025

Because its bullshit? Just like the educations of the ppl running it

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