Lottery Guy
Questions & Answers

Is Lottery Guy a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Nicole K. on 6/23/2020

4 Answers
Phil J.11/11/2021

I would also have to say the review place is a neat little scam site.
John W.4/24/2021

100 percent agreed, the review site is Not A Legit Review Site, it's a cover site to push lottery systems that the owner can make money from the sales nothing more.
Nyellie K.4/12/2021

Confirmed by other legit review sites and other sources the review site is most definitely a scam. The person running the site acts all innocent blaming all other systems/companies saying you must be talking about so and so, it cannot be me. Tries to cover up all areas he gets caught lying about. Tried to sell me a system that was posted on several lottery review sites that was a total scam! Asked what his real name is, would not tell me... well it did not take me long to search out his real name and low and behold it was listed at many scam sites as a known scammer!
Shykeem K.4/9/2021

Yes is a scam! Any review site that tells you to buy into lottery systems that are fake, and verified to be fake by clickbank and several other review sites as well is a marketing scam. So the site will not let you post your honest review unless it is the same opinion of site owner, that is a huge red flag and again shows the shady activity going on that site. Could not belive he refused to allow a good review on a system i tried to let others know, but he would not allow it unless i gave it a bad review, Total Scam!

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