What is Mand's rate of return ?

asked by Bashana T. on 11/6/17

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user jasony49

I paid the subscription fee for a year, mainly so I can get speaking parts on any kind of production. I don't even care if they're mostly student productions, as I get film footage from them, which is very usable.

However, if you're thinking of paying the subscription fee to get paid work, I would advise against it. You will not get much paid work through Mandy. If you want paid work, you're better off getting an office job that will pay far more than the NMW that's offered by most productions.

I can't wait to get my necessary named speaking roles so I can join Spotlight!

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Thumbnail of user am528

Poor and the jobs are mostly low budget jobs posted by cost cutting media companies, low budget film producers or students.

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