Questions & Answers

How much time a day I have to use the program in order to see the progress within 30 days money-back guarantee period?

Asked by Natalie C. on 9/21/2019

2 Answers
Ann P.4/6/2020

I saw a difference after one 30 minute module. Each individual will benefit differently, it is largely based on your own integrity, your ability to be honest with yourself, and desire for relief. People who only want to complain/blame their narcissist and not discover why they chose them in the first place may have more difficulty working through the program. If you only want to be told you are a victim and "you poor person that this happened to you, they are BAD not you", will not get as much from the program as those who truly desperately want to heal and move forward.
Melanie E.9/22/2019

Hi Natalie,

I am not quite sure what your question is? Can you please email and one of my lovely staff can answer your questions for you.

Cheers Melanie x

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