Questions & Answers

What made you choose Menards over similar businesses?

Asked by Stephanie Y. on 7/26/2019

5 Answers
Lauren H.6/16/2020

Was hoping for the simple convenience of online ordering and getting it shipped to my house. I was wrong, the amount of time I've had to put into trying to resolve my shipping issues has been awful. Been a month since I started asking Menards for help with the issues. Still no response.
Adam B.6/22/2020

They were open one hour later than home depot and lowes
Donna C.3/27/2020

Menards is a great store but except for the delivery fees most places have free delivery
Robin S.9/22/2019

It's close to me and proximity is important. I will choose distance over convenience from now on.
Roger C.7/26/2019

I got blinded by their lower price, which now is costing me double

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