Questions & Answers

Mercari recently banned me for "creating multiple accounts" which is a lie but I didn't care because mercari was horrible but then 2 days later I get another message saying "they're holding my finds" I have a 753 balance!! I'm so pissed I have emailed them so many times!! Does anyone know if they're will be a chance I can get my money back ?

Asked by ally J. on 6/12/2017

3 Answers
Naomi K.1/6/2018

Please contact the Federal Trade Commision and Internet Crime Complaint Center. (IC3). It is illegal to keep anyones money! The IRS would like to know where all this money is also? Whos paying taxes on it? FTC will get your money! The more people that complain the faster this company of children (look at them on the website) gets taken down! The faster we all get paid!
MARK D.7/31/2017


Same here, they delete my account with 950$ in it. And I can never get it back

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