How can u tell if a photogapher is real and not a perve

asked by Heidi A. on 6/15/15

2 Answers
Thumbnail of user marya1782

This goes for both models and photographers.

First, if the message you receive looks like it came from a Nigerian prince, just don't answer it. Next, compare the quality of images in their profile with the level of experience they are claiming in their bio. Next, actually contact the references listed on the profile page. Next, meet them in person for coffee. If no alarm bells are ringing, if nothing feels off, schedule a shoot.

If something feels uncomfortable during a shoot, say so, and gauge what kind of response results. If anything feels iffy or wrong, more than merely uncomfortable, during the shoot, JUST LEAVE. To hell with the money, to hell with being "nice"... your safety comes first.

Sure, there are consequences to doing this. There are consequences for every decision, ever. Make sure you're alive to deal with them.

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Thumbnail of user henryr34

You won't get any help from the MM site. They take down any attempts to report misconduct. Only way is to get references and check them.

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