Questions & Answers

Does anyone think there in better health after drinking this stuff. If so did you join to get the product for half price.

Asked by mitch a. on 1/31/2011

4 Answers
mitch a.2/1/2011

Was just at the site, no such product
Dawn S.10/1/2016

I know i am... I do not sleep good when i have RLS and my joints don't hurt when I do drink it on a reg. Basis... but now all of these types of drinks are not the same... read the labels, if it is processed and full of anything unnatural, etc... then maybe it is not for you. When i first started drinking this, it was solely to get organic fruits into my body... i knew it could not hurt, so i drank 1 ounce a day... i was taking 4 advil a day just for pain in my fingers, then one day i realized they didn't hurt anymore... believe me i have come off of this just to see. You have to give it time,,,, you also have to realize all the crap we put in our bodies now is what is giving us cancer, and getting us fat... processed foods, hormones, pesticides... only in the USA can you get all this good stuff. LOL
Alexis P.9/22/2010

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's not a scam persay, but it's a pyramid scheme that's hard to make money for unless you're really lucky. It doesn't help that costco sells it now too, so it's not like people need to seek out the seller like they do for MaryKay or something. You should probably post this in your review so others can see it. :D It would help a lot for people to understand why they shouldn't do it.
Jae C.9/22/2010

Personally, my aunt has been involved with one mlm or another. It's really sad how much bs she has been fed. You can tell bc she vomits the same carp that all the online mlm scammers cough up all the time. But, mv is really different! Not! Poor woman works her asss off doing her full time job and this "part time" job, only to get disappointed once a year when she realizes that she can't possibly make ANY money from these mlms.

Her latest: trump vitamins. I've sat in her living room while she's pitched one scam product or another. Listening but laughing and aching at the same time. It hurts. I just sit there drinking beer with her husband, who just stares at her team with murder in his eyes, knowing that he has been unable to get her to stop her daydreaming, knowing that all these people who come to her house are scammmers, knowing that anythig he says to them will be taken badly by his wife. Poor guy. He's had to pay off 30k so far in credit card bills from her "business trips" and "products."

It's amazing how hard she works and gets deeper in teh hole all the time. There's no amount of "hard work and dedication" that will make this carrp pay off. Onlly the top 1% ever make any meaningful amount of money. She's going to keep dreaming that her next "opportunity" will put her in teh top 1% i guess. Well, she's wasted some 20 years so far... what's another few years for the next few scams.

I eagerly await her next "product." will it be another miracle juice/pill/vitamin/facial cream/cure it all? Yes! You guessed it! It will be one of hte above. No doubt about it. You would probably do better going ot church and praying for god to pay your bills. Which she also has done.

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