How easy is it to get a hold of customer service at MrFluffyFriend?

asked by Jennifer L. on 5/9/22

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user teamt4

Hello Jennifer, thank you so much for sending in your question. I understand that you would like to get in touch with our customer service team. Unfortunately, I cannot see your order number from here so I can't check anything for you, however, please don't hesitate to write to us via email at so we can assist you further.

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Thumbnail of user antoniolw

Not easy! They do not respond to any emails after the first one.

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Thumbnail of user danielmeikle624

ZERO Customer Service. All done by email because MFF is 100% based in China. All shipping, customer service (or lack of), and returns are to China Only.

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Thumbnail of user virginiab967

The website only has an email address and no phone number to call. There is zero customer service. Let the Buyer Beware!

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Thumbnail of user susand2118

I also had the same experience there is no viable customer service. I had to work w my bank to reverse charges of an order I never received

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