Questions & Answers

Why after many email my account is still deactivated ????

Asked by soufiane o. on 8/15/2018

2 Answers
James c.9/18/2018

Simply because the website is a fake money maker run by Ukrainien cartel.
99% of the profiles are fake and you maybe thinking you are taking to a cute poor girl but in fact that is a male behind the screen telling you what you want to hear to boost your ego then suck more money out of you.
Also be careful with you credit card information, you will be charged thousands of dollars and there is no way to track it.
The site should be shut down.
Cupid M.5/15/2019

We apologise for any inconvenience. Please contact so we can investigate your profile and assist you further. We have zero tolerance towards members of the nature you described. Members can report suspicious behaviour through a form available on every profile.

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