Questions & Answers

I have had trouble getting setup assistance. Still requesting help for conversion for almost 2 weeks. Is this indicative of what to come?

Asked by Otha P. on 1/20/2020

2 Answers
Richard P.7/27/2020

They have instruction tutorials that I participated in several years ago. I too had a learning curve initially but I now seem to feel competent plus they have a good Chat line support that I use for technical and some tax prep advice. As I recall it was easy to set up online for me I would try to reload it. Richard
Dana T.1/21/2020

Hello Otha,

We apologize for the inconvenience. Making sure that you get set up and are ready for tax season is very important to us. To ensure that you receive assistance with your conversion, please give us a call at 307.414.1211, and one of our support representatives will be happy to help. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you have a successful tax season.

The MyTAXPrepOffice Team

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