In what situation will I need myself a Neotrades PAMM account?

asked by Luis A. on 10/27/23

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user lucasr188

I presume when you realize that you have acquired a lot of skills and classical, manual trading got your bored, you can consider this is an option.

There are two ways of how to interact with this account, you can either entrust your money to professionals, or become a pro yourself. Being a money manager is a very sophisticated task, as there are many challenges, you are literally forced to take a huge liability. Not all traders are brave enough to engage into this adventure.
As for the first option, enrtsuting your money to experts, then it's up to you. Should you have any skills or not, whatever.

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Thumbnail of user juanf502

I don't know if you are an experienced trader or not, so I can't write an exact answer...

But let's assume that you are experienced trader who is looking for a way to maximize your profits using your skills.
One option is to manage other traders' money. They can entrust you with their capital so that you can make your own trading decisions to make profit.
Other traders will invest their money in you.
And PAMM account is specifically designed to make it easier to interact and manage your money.

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Thumbnail of user edgarg252

There is really no situation in which you absolutely need the pamm account honestly‍. The account connects investors and traders, or managers, as referred to on the platform. It allows the manager to trade with the funds of the added funds of the investors.

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