How do you write a book review?

asked by Patricia B. on 12/17/18

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user monicas198

Hello, please log into and join the Review Team from there. There are steps to take to becoming a reviewer.

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Thumbnail of user sarag180

If you write a book review for, you must follow their guidelines. Some of them are writing a short summary, answering - What did you best like/least like about the book and why? - rating the book, etc. Each review is checked for grammar and if it followed the guidelines by an editor, and then it will be published, and the reviewer is awarded points and paid. Each review must be at least 400 words. Look on the website under guidelines to get all of the requirements for writing reviews.

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Thumbnail of user susmitar2

Firstly, they give us a full description of how to write a review. Then you can use your creativity. There are some rules to follow.

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