Hi I would know which readers are without a doubt real on the website, who can you recommend for a reading, and predictions that come true, would really appreciate some feedback regarding this? Thank you

asked by Jennifer K. on 8/3/15

5 Answers
Thumbnail of user koalab

It seems women here just give intentionally bad testimonials like that rude Nicole, because they she is jealous of pretty woman like Psychicjade, and begrudge her looks, I know Psychicjade, she is the only honest person on Oranum and is always honest, thats why I appreciate her, and because of her great intuition, I tried iris999 and starelene, and they just produced general bla bla bla, I couldnt feel any intuition like I did in Psychicjade's reading, in my opinion, she is the best reader on oranum and he only honest one who really wants to help and isnt on the money like the rest of the fake club,   

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Thumbnail of user peggyk27

Try iris999, mysticlotuss, starLeneB these are so good. Tarot readers

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Thumbnail of user sharonm106

How do i become a member for bestamericanpsychics.com am in Africa. Thanks

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Thumbnail of user rachelh53

Psychic power prithy may have something going on. And that's about it. Avoid cosmic sister.

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Thumbnail of user annag49

All of readers are frauds and fakes. They are not real psychics. They are tested. Try "shay parker's best american psychics (bestamericanpsychics.com). All of the psychics there are tested for accuracy.

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