I technically still work at oranum, but I cannot handle the freechat any longer. It is draining. Any thoughts on this?

asked by s s. on 6/5/15

3 Answers
Thumbnail of user kevink481

I am working at Oranum as well. The free chat can be draining but I've learned how to use it to my advantage. Oranum pays better than other sites I've looked into but a lot of the "customers" just want to kill time, are "psychic groupies" or are just trying to milk the psychics for free answers. Still, you get a lot of traffic on Oranum and I have friends who are making a killing there.

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Thumbnail of user xxxxxa

Just ignore them or ban them. Many people just go there to use your energy and they do not want real help - this is the reason they will never take you into private. They just want to spend their time in free chat area while their husband gets home or waiting for pizza etc. Focus on those who want real help. Others do not matter.

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Thumbnail of user melaniel13

First, how often are you online? I don't know much about the business side of this. One of the readers was explaining the system the other day.

I would look at it as a gift that you should share. If it too draining then I would limit my time. You are no good with drained energy.

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